Own A Business? How To Get Your Commercial Heater Ready For Summer

Industrial & Manufacturing Blog

If you own a commercial building, it's time to get ready for summer. That includes servicing your HVAC system. Now that the temperatures are warming up, you might think you can turn your heater off and be done. That's not the case. In fact, that process can cause problems later on. If you don't usually do pre-summer service for your commercial heater, read the list below. Here are four ways to get your commercial heater ready for summer. 


When it comes to getting your commercial heater ready for summer, you want to start with a good cleaning. Your heater gathers a lot of dirt during the fall and winter. Some of that dirt gets inside the pipes and ducts. There are several problems you face when your commercial heater gets too dirty. A dirty commercial heater increases the risk of fires. Excess dirt also makes your commercial heater wear out faster. A dirty heater also creates poor air quality in your commercial building. To avoid problems, get your heater cleaned before you shut down the system this year. 


If you want to protect your commercial heater, end the season with an inspection. If your commercial heater worked well this year, you might think you can forgo the inspection. But, minor problems can have a big impact on the heater in your commercial building. Minor problems can affect energy efficiency. They can also make your commercial heater wear out too fast. That's why you should schedule an inspection for your commercial heater before summer arrives. 


If you've been postponing repairs for your commercial heater, don't wait any longer. Taking care of the repairs now will benefit you in a few ways. Repairing heater issues now will ensure that you don't forget about the problem. Early repairs will also ensure that your commercial heater is ready for next winter. Plus, you won't need to worry about jeopardizing the warranty you have on your commercial heater. 


If your commercial heater has turned into a money pit, stop throwing away your money. Once commercial heaters age out, they break down more often. Unfortunately, the repairs get costlier. Outdated commercial heaters are also less energy efficient. That means your heating bills will get more expensive. Save time and money. Replace your commercial heater before winter rolls around again. 

Get ready for summer. Schedule a service call for your commercial heater right away. Contact a company such as Mercury Tec to learn more.


14 April 2023

Dumpster Rental After a Residential Remodel

Recently we did a home remodel of the bathroom and kitchen. We needed an efficient way to haul away the accumulated debris. Dumpster rental was our practical solution for residential waste removal. Although dumpsters of various sizes were available, we chose the 20-yard model. It measured about 20 feet in length and 42 inches in height. With a capacity to hold a few tons of waste materials, this option suited us fine. We especially liked that the dumpster was delivered to our property and picked up at our specified time. By not having to park the dumpster on the street, we didn't have to worry about acquiring a permit. Less hassle and stress is fine with me. The dumpster rental also included the transfer of recyclables to a recycling facility. Next time you need your trash hauled away, why not consider dumpster rental as a practical solution?